Harrow school

Harrow is one of Britain’s leading independent schools, one of a very few schools still specialising in providing a high quality boarding school education for boys. Harrow_SchoolCachadHarrow School, ofta kallad bara Harrow, i stadsdelen med samma namn i nordvästra London är en av de mest ansedda engelska privatskolorna (public schools) . There is some evidence that there has been a school on the .

Harrow School – Building Panoramics,rh:buildingpanoramics. JPG,ow:22pt:Harrow School – ,rh:en.

Rapportera en annan bildRapportera den stötande bilden. The School Harrow is an all-boys full-boarding school, founded in 15under a royal charter granted by Elizabeth I. Harrow School was founded in 15under a Royal Charter granted by Queen Elizabeth I to a local landowner, John Lyon. Harrow School has a select range of exclusive and historic venues to suit your event.

Click the below for more information and details of how to book. Originally, Harrow School was just one room — the Fourth Form Room. Four classes went on in the four corners of the room simultaneously.

Inside the weird world of Harrow: Boaters, bizarre traditions, chronic homesickness – all come under the spotlight when one of our top schools . To view Harrow schools and colleges in map or list format, please use the links below: Nursery school.