Dht11 arduino

The DHTis a relatively cheap sensor for measuring temperature and humidity. This article describes a small library for reading both from the . The DHT1 DHTand DHTare relative cheap sensors for measuring temperature and humidity.

This article describes a library for reading . Digital output temperature and humidity sensor DHT- DHT22. DHT software library on the Arduino Playground site HERE. How to measure temperature and humidity on the Arduino with the DHTtemperature and humidity sensor.

The DHTis chosen because it is lab calibrate accurate and stable and its signal output is digital. Most important of all, it is relatively inexpensive for the . DTHincludes both Humidity and Temperature sensor. Hardware Components required:-1) DTHHumidity and Temperature Sensor2) Arduino . In this tutorial you will learn how to use this sensor with Arduino uno.

The room temperature humidity will be printed to serial monitor. DHT-sensor-library – Arduino library for DHT11DHT2 etc Temp Humidity Sensors. Let’s read some temperature and humidity with the help of this DHTmodule and an Arduino UNO.