Hc06 bluetooth module

All you needs is an arduino, HC-bluetooth module, some relays and a little electrical know-how. In this tutorial, however, i am going to show you how to setup . I did not fully realize that until I have ordered another bluetooth module from dx.

Description:: BChas external 8M Flash and EDR module. HC-is industrial, and compatible with civil HC-04. These low-cost Bluetooth Sub-modules work well with Arduino and other. Note: Now HC-not cheaper); These small ( cm long) modules run on 3.

In a previous post I shared my notes on how to connect an Arduino to an Android phone using the the popular and cheap HC-Bluetooth . In this video we look at how to get started with the HC-Bluetooth transceiver module. Arduino Tutorial: Bluetooth HC-module tutorial on with Arduino Uno and Android App Dear. This is HC-wireless bluetooth transceiver RF main module serial for Arduino. The core module HC-main modules, leads the interface includes VCC, GN .